Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Looking at the stars

The image I chose for my Christmas card this year is one from several I took (from the gutter) at the base of the chimney at Salt's Mill in Saltaire. (I don't care if they have abandoned the apostrophe on the building and in the shops and cafés. Titus Salt was his name, so his mill is Salt's Mill. Don't get me started Betty).

I'd wondered why I'd missed these starry railings in the past, but have come to the conclusion that every time I have passed in the past I've either been looking up at that chimney or the rain and wind has been so bad that I was walking with my head down.

I'm glad the sunny day allowed me to see the shadows of the stars from the gutter.

Perhaps that's where Oscar Wilde was the day he said that? I hope he had a nice pot of tea in Salt[']s Diner.

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